Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

“Holiday Cottages to Rent in France” is a private business owned by Ben Boulter at La Chataigneraie, Limousin, France.

We do not collect visitor data from this site. We do not submit customer details to any third party for any purpose whatsoever.

For the purposes of our own marketing and improvements to the website, we do use Google web statistics software which automatically collects and stores generic data about visitors to help us identifiy market trends, but this software collects nothing specific. This data may include types of web browser used, pages visited, time of visits, referring URLs, referring keywords and other data.

We do not collect cookies, web beacons or any other mechanisms to collect and store information relating to each visitor.

Third parties such as Google will collect cookies, web beacons and other mechanisms to gather information in the course of serving the search results that link to our web pages. Google may also use the “Dart” Cookie to serve ads to customers who have previously shown interest in the site. This is not under our control. Users may opt out of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy

Information we collect from visitors may be stored in a variety of formats and storage mechanisms and used for the single purpose of making holiday reservations at Nearly Heaven.

How To Manage Cookies: Cookies are stored on your own PC and can be managed through your Internet Browser (lookup “cookies” in your browser help for more information).

Contact forms

For users submitting a booking enquiry, we will keep that data only for the purposes of managing your booking. This data is held off-site by ourselves and is stored privately and, except for the below, is not shared with anyone else. However, we are obliged by the French police to retain details of visitors for up to six months after their stay and hand over these details should we be asked to.